My Husband, the Rev. D. Murray, Has Passed ("O Kuu Kane Rev. D. Murray Ua Hala", Nupepa Kuokoa, January 26, 1917) Mr. Editor Hanohano—Please grant space in your treasure for my eulogy for my husband, the Rev. David Murray, who has left me, his wifely companion, and our beloved lei of a daughter who has…
Author: Kawika Gregoire
Legend of the shark gods Kanekokala and Kanewahine
Kaupo natives of old frequently served as sources for Hawaiian history and culture. Their wisdom is dotted throughout museum archives, historical newspapers and radio program collections. But other information remains concealed in family records. This includes a legend about the shark gods Kanekokala and Kanewahine in the personal files of Kaupo resident Joseph Marciel (1882-1949)….
Kakuhihewa, 104, November 10, 1916
My Beloved Mother Has Passed ("Kuu Mama Aloha Ua Hala", Ka Puuhonua o na Hawaii, January 19, 1917) My beloved mama, the only true mother who I loved, has passed on, leaving me and her family to cry in grief for her. My dear mother, unable to speak to me. My mother, ever mindful to…
The platform of Rep. Philip Kamai
Philip Kamai's Views (Pacific Commercial Advertiser, April 7, 1890) The Representative for Hana Outlines His Conduct in the Next Legislature. On March 30th, between the hours of 1 and 6 p.m., the Hana Representative, Philip Kamai, held a meeting of his constituents at the old school house adjoining his residence. There were fifty-four kanakas, one…
Mailolo Akeneki Wills, 78, December 3, 1909
Passed on to the Road of No Return ("Ua Hala I Ke Ala Hoi Ole Mai", Nupepa Kuokoa, December 24, 1909) Mr. Editor of the Nupepa Kuokoa, greetings: Honorable one, please grant me space in your newspaper, the Kuokoa, treasure of the nation, since I am laying a sorrowful message before you to report to…
Makanui Haupu, August 1913
Miss Makanui Haupu Has Passed ("O Miss Makanui Haupu Ua Hala", Nupepa Kuokoa, September 12, 1913) Mr. Editor of the Nupepa Kuokoa, greetings:—Please be so kind as to allow space in the darling of the nation for the topic above so that you may flash like lightning from where the sun rises at Haehae to…
Road less traveled: Kaupo's first autos
In April 1937, in a historic event for the Kaupo community, the road from Kaupo eastward to Kipahulu opened. For the first time, motorists could drive their vehicles to and from Kaupo, traversing the Hana Belt Road across northeastern Maui. In 1951, the road from Kaupo westward to Ulupalakua opened, allowing drivers to complete a…
Barnaby Kahalepaahao, 21, May 23, 1921
A Eulogy for Our Deceased Child ("He Kanaenae Hoalohaloha No Ka Maua Keiki Hele Loa", Nupepa Kuokoa, July 29, 1921) Dear Mr. Editor of the Nupepa Kuokoa, Greetings:—Please provide space in your columns of the treasured Kuokoa for a eulogy for our dear one who has passed on the road of no return. The house…
Agnes Makekau, 29, August 1921
Memorial Resolution ("Olelo Hooholo Hoalohaloha", Nupepa Kuokoa, August 26, 1921) Whereas it pleased the Almighty Father to take our fellow worker Mrs. Agnes Makekau from this fragile world after suffering from illness for some months. Because of her poor health, she again sought respite in Honolulu with her queen. They left Kaupo in July. She…
News of Nuu, Kaupo undertaken on Sunday, February 9, 1890
("Na Mea Hou o Nuu, Kaupo, i Hanaia ma ka La Sabati, Feberuari 9, M. H. 1890", Nupepa Kuokoa, March 1, 1890) Land Association at the House of Kaaipalaoa. Twenty people met with Portuguese landholder John Flores, who called the meeting to settle the payment of animals. Here is what was determined: Each horse will…