("Na Mea Hou o Kaupo", Nupepa Kuokoa, February 13, 1886) THE WORK OF THE LORD.—The work of the youth society continues much like the parching sun. So it is with unbelievers, they are arid land for farming. But there are ebbs and flows. ESCAPE FROM DEATH.—On Jan. 14, Kahoohua narrowly escaped death. Kahoohua had set…
Author: Kawika Gregoire
Kike Smythe, 49, October 7, 1913
A Somber Message ("He Ukana Walohia", Nupepa Kuokoa, November 7, 1913) Mr. Editor of the Kuokoa, the Treasure of the Nation, greetings:—Please be so kind as to provide space in the treasure for my message above to inform the father, family, friends and acquaintances from where the sun rises to where it sets at Lehua,…
Malie Kaaiwaiu, 98, November 2, 1910
Malie Kaaiwaiu Has Passed Away ("Malie Kaaiwaiu ua Hala", Nupepa Kuokoa, November 4, 1910, and Kuokoa Home Rula, November 4, 1910) Mr. Editor of the Nupepa Kuokoa, greetings: At 9:15 a.m. on Wednesday, the 2nd of this month, our beloved mother, Mrs. Malie Kaaiwaiu, gently glided away from the residence of her foster grandchild Mr….
Joel Kamakahiki, 46, October 23, 1907
Joel Kamakahiki Has Passed Away ("Ua Hala O Joel Kamakahiki", Nupepa Kuokoa, November 1, 1907) Dear Nupepa Kuokoa, greetings—Please provide space in a corner of your paper to inform the numerous friends of the deceased about information related to him, to wit: Joel Kamakahiki was born from the loins of Mr. and Mrs. Kalahoouka at…
Luesiana Kahula, 70, July 1894
Elderly Death ("Make Hapauea", Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, August 4, 1894) Greetings:—At Kapohue, Hana, Maui, the angel of death struck and snatched the final breath of Luesiana Kahula, our mother, in her 70th year of life. She was born at Maalo, Kaupo, Maui, from the loins of Aieouo (father) and Kaululena (mother). In 1843, she married…
Peter William Kamai, 17, July 29, 1918
My Younger Brother Peter William Kamai Has Passed Away ("Kuu Pokii Peter William Kamai Ua Hala", Nupepa Kuokoa, September 20, 1918) Dear Mr. Solomon Hanohano, greetings:—Please publish in available space of our revered one my tearful message above to notify the family and friends of my departed younger brother. What sorrow for my brother! My…
John Baptize Kamoau Kamai, 56, April 16, 1920
Our Father, J. B. K. Kamai, Has Passed Away ("Ko Makou Papa, J. B. K. Kamai, Ua Hala", Nupepa Kuokoa, May 28, 1920) Mr. Editor of the Nupepa Kuokoa, Greetings:— Please be so kind as to provide space in the columns of the Kuokoa for our dear, never-forgotten father who has left us in this…
S. W. Kahaleohai, 29, March 31, 1901
Removed Are the Supports of the Earthly Form ("Wehe I Ka Pili Hookoo Ia Loko", Ke Aloha Aina, April 13, 1901) Dear KE ALOHA AINA newspaper, Greetings:— Please insert in available space of your delicate form my message referenced in the title to collectively inform your readers from where the sun rises at Ha’eha’e to…
J. P. Keaupuni, 93, May 19, 1915
A Eulogy for J. P. Keaupuni ("He Hoalohaloha No J. P. Keaupuni", Nupepa Kuokoa, June 11, 1915) On May 19, 1915, the distressing, sad news spread that J. P. Keaupuni had departed this life and that his spirit had been returned to the one who made it. The deceased J. P. Keaupuni was a church…
Kaupo's cotton experiment
In the mid-1800s, residents of East Maui actively explored opportunities for commercial agriculture. Letters to newspapers in the 1850s urged the construction of ship landings and roadways to transport produce, or described recommended crops for the region. In 1856, the Hana Farmers Association (Ahahui Mahiai o Hana) was established and included members from Kaupo. The…