("Kokua no ka Poino o Lancashire", Nupepa Kuokoa, April 18, 1863) We have received a letter from H. Manase, of Kaupo, East Maui, providing a list of people making donations of eighth-dollars for the needy and suffering people living in Lancashire, England, and here is what he wrote. Here are funds donated by the members…
Author: Kawika Gregoire
About the meeting of the Cotton Farmers Association in Kumunui, Kaupo
("No ka halawai Ahahui mahiai Pulupulu ma Kumunui Kaupo", Ka Hoku o ka Pakipika, September 26, 1861) September 12, 1861. Met at 12 noon. After prayers, E. Helekunihi was appointed as chair. At the request of E. Helekunihi, T. C. Wilmington was chosen as secretary of this association. E. Helekunihi stood and explained the method…
Kaalani Haupu, 82, October 12, 1912
My Beloved Grandmother Has Gone on the Path of No Return ("Kuu Kuku Aloha Ua Hala I Ke Ala Hoi Ole Mai", Nupepa Kuokoa, November 15, 1912) Dear editor of the Kuokoa, greetings: Please provide space in the treasure of our nation, the Nupepa Kuokoa, for my burden of sorrow, that you may carry it…
Joseph Napapa, 79, July 5, 1895
Passed On ("Ua Hala Ma-o", Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, July 20, 1895) At 3 in the morning on July 5, J. Napapa departed this life from his residence in Wailau, Molokai. He wasted away for over a year before passing away. Over the past month, he assiduously tried many medicines seeking a cure. But it was…
David William Napihaa, 75, August 29, 1921
An Obituary From the Church of Mokulau, Kaupo, Maui ("He Hoalohaloha Na Ka Ekalesia O Mokulau Kaupo Maui", Nupepa Kuokoa, September 30, 1921) On August 29, 1921, the angel of death silently entered the thresholds of the bodily home of the Iron Duke D. W. Napihaa, our fellow laborer in the activities of the church,…
Annie Kanamu Kapoi, 39, September 17, 1918
Our Beloved Child Has Passed ("Ka Maua Mea Aloha He Keiki Ua Hala", Nupepa Kuokoa, October 4, 1918) Dear Nupepa Kuokoa, greetings:—Please ferry my tearful news in empty space of the deck of your messenger to announce at the door of each and every home you visit that our dearly beloved has departed along the…
Mokuike Smythe, 30, April 22, 1924
Gone on the Path of No Return ("Ua Hala I Ke Ala Hoi Ole Mai", Nupepa Kuokoa, June 19, 1924) Mr. Solomon Hanohano, greetings:—Please be so kind as to provide space in your treasured lei to inform the many acquaintances, friends and family from where the sun rises at Kumukahi to the sun's nadir in…
Hilda Milikaa Elizabeth Kawaiaea, 10 months, July 3, 1912
A Tearful Message ("He Puolo Na Ka Waimaka", Nupepa Kuokoa, July 19, 1912) Dear editor of the Kuokoa, greetings:—Please insert in available space of the Kuokoa this tearful message of pain so that acquaintances, family and friends of my beloved deceased one will know the matter referenced above. To wit, Hilda Milikaa Elizabeth Kawaiaea passed…
The music of Kaupo
Being an isolated community, Kaupo residents of old were required to provide their own entertainment, including pastimes such as baseball. In addition to sports, music played an integral role in the district. Historical records paint a picture of a thriving musical scene in Kaupo, and the beauty of the area has inspired songwriters in times…
Joshua Ahulii, 81, Dec. 26, 1906
Death of a Beloved ("He Make I Aloha Nui Ia", Ka Na’i Aupuni, January 14, 1907) Dear Mr. Editor, the wise one of the Nupepa KUOKOA HOME RULA:—Greetings; Please have the kindness to place in available space of the body of the beloved treasure of the nation to transmit the news as if by telephone…